For a limited-time, Apollo E-Cigs is providing a FREE e-cigarette kit to every new customer!
The “Oracle-X Vape Kit” is basically a standard style of eGo/clearette vape pen with one 900mAh battery, one CE4 clearomizer and a USB charger.
They’re even giving away a free 10ml bottle of e-juice with every claim. We’re not just talking tobacco or menthol, you can choose from over 30 different Apollo e-juice flavors including fruit e-juice. WHAT A DEAL!!!
THIS IS NOT A SCAM and there are no hidden charges. Apollo requires a credit card for age verification only (you’ll be charged 1 cent), but you won’t be enrolled in any special programs or see any recurring fees.
UPDATE: All FREE kits have been claimed, but Apollo has extended this offer to include two FREE 10ml bottles of e-liquid! Over 30 flavors! Visit link for more details.
Looks like the kits are already gone… sorry everyone!
We’ll leave this page up for a few more days to see if the offer gets extended…