Category: Vaping Guide

Find helpful information about e-cigarettes and vaping. Our vaping guide has something for everyone – from beginner to advanced enthusiast.

SUBCATEGORIES: General Info | Beginners | Intermediate

Exactly How Long Should a 5000 Puff Vape Last?

Exactly How Long Should a 5000 Puff Vape Last?

A 5000 puff vape is an indicator of the e-liquid capacity within a disposable device, tailored to offer a certain number of puffs before it’s completely used up. As you explore the market of disposable vapes, understanding the longevity of these devices...

5 Tips to Increase E-Cigarette Coil Life

5 Tips to Increase E-Cigarette Coil Life

Sick of replacing coils? Unfortunately, many inexperienced vapers are unaware that looking after and regularly maintaining their coils is the key to prolonging their life and improving their vaping experience. Of course, having the right coil for your device and replacing it...

Temperature Control Vaping Guide

Temperature Control Vaping Guide

Every so often a new trend pops up in the vaping industry and then takes off. The latest to do so is what’s referred to as “temperature control vaping.” Temperature control solves many of the annoying problems that vapers have to deal...