Category: General E-Cigarette Info
Here is some general information about e-cigs for anyone who is considering vaping. Ready to take the next step? See our beginners guide →
Imitation may be the greatest form of flattery, but for vapors who are tricked into using a fake version of their favorite e-cigarette or vape mod, it’s illegal and could be dangerous. When a product is manufactured outside of U.S. consumer protection...
Whenever you put a substance in or on your body, it’s a good idea to understand the potential side effects. Despite all of the negative press associated with e-cigarettes, the short-term risks are well understood, and for the most part the side...
Electronic cigarettes come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and are designed for every type of user. That’s great, but if you’re new to the world of e-cigs, it can be a bit overwhelming trying to choose the right setup....
People are making the switch to electronic cigarettes for a variety of reasons. Some people are using e-cigs to cut their nicotine consumption, while others are looking for a healthier alternative to smoking. No matter what your reasons for
There are lots of reasons to choose electronic cigarettes, but one of the most attractive benefits is the amount of money you can save by making the switch. Only a few decades ago you could buy a pack of cigarettes for $2,...
A question that always seems to arise when the subject of e-cigarettes comes up is, “are they safe?” The short answer is yes… we think so. Unlike traditional cigarettes, an ‘e-cig’ doesn’t require tobacco smoke to provide a nicotine fix. Instead, it...
Electronic cigarettes allow you to enjoy the use of nicotine without the need for tobacco. This non-flammable solution produces vapor and provides the user with the physical sensation and flavor of a traditional cigarette without the nasty odor, tar or harmful chemicals....