Life Cycle Of A Vaper – What Level Of Vaping Have You Achieved?

For many people, vaping is an ongoing learning experience that constantly evolves and changes. As a user gains more knowledge and expertise, they advance forward into a new realm of products with improved performance and capabilities. Not every vaper will achieve full maturity, but each one will undoubtedly pass through several levels of the “vaping life cycle.”

vaping-birth BIRTH – A New Vaper Is Born

The birth of a vaper almost always starts with an idea and a will to change. Whether you’ve been smoking for decades, or just a few years, the consequences of your habit have become apparent and it’s time to do something about it. Maybe you’ve tried quitting before, or maybe it’s your first time, but one way or another electronic cigarettes cross your path and you’re ready to try something new. Why not give “vaping” a shot? You’ve heard that it’s safer and maybe it can help you quit.

vaper-infancy INFANCY – Taking The First Step

For most people, their first experience with vaping comes in the form of a cheap disposable e-cigarette from a local gas station or convenience store. You notice them each day while purchasing your smokes, but this time you take a risk and give one a shot. Maybe a friend exposed you to vaping first, but either way the concept seems interesting and you decide to give it a trial run. Nothing too fancy or expensive yet, just a basic “cigalike” product that you throw away when you’re done.

e-cig-adolescent ADOLESCENCE – You’re Growing Up

The cheap disposable e-cigs seem great at first – they’re convenient, don’t taste bad and are sort of like smoking. You try cutting back on tobacco, but they aren’t satisfying your cravings and suddenly die at the worst of times. Maybe you became discouraged and gave up on vaping for a while, but at some point you took a leap of faith and invested into something a bit more reliable. You purchase your first rechargeable setup, one that looks and feels like a real cigarette, and you’re finally starting to feel like a “grown up.” This vaping thing might just work!

e-cigarette-adulthood ADULTHOOD – Feeling Satisfied & Content

The rechargeable e-cigs are a big improvement and may have helped you quit, but more than likely they left you hanging and wishing for more. After a bit of research, you notice that the more “mature” vapers are using bigger, more powerful devices that look less like real cigarettes. They’re manually operated with a button and have clear tanks that you fill with flavored e-liquid. You give your first Ego a try and it’s a big step-up from the mini, cigalike products. You’re a full-grown adult! You’re feeling comfortable and content with your vaping experience.

full-maturity FULL MATURITY – You’ve Reached The Pinnacle

Being an adult is great, but as many vapers advance they yearn for more sophistication. You’re ready to take your vaping to a deeper, more personal level – you’re older and wiser and you’re ready to apply your knowledge and expertise! You’ve entered into the world of 200W box mods, a level of vaping reserved for those with only the finest tastes. You’re in full control of every aspect of your experience: flavor, vapor production, throat hit and more. You monitor watts, voltage, and ohms; you rebuild clearomizers, atomizers and drip. You’re a full-blown expert!

crisis-stage MIDLIFE CRISIS – The Biggest & Baddest Toys!!!

You’ve become a sophisticated and experienced vaper, but it just isn’t as fun as it used to be. You’re sick of the typical, cookie-cutter mods… it’s time for the biggest and baddest vaping toys! Not every vaper reaches this level, but for the true fanatics there are an endless array of custom options to appease every desire: highly-engineered devices that look like weaponry, hand-carved creations made out of wood, mods that resemble beverage cans, action figures and more. For those that refuse to settle down and accept the status quo, the choices are endless!

retired-level RETIREE – A Good Thing Comes To An End

Not everybody that picks up vaping turns it into a lifelong passion or hobby. Many folks are simply trying to quit smoking, with the full intention of giving up nicotine – and vaping as well. For those that reach their ultimate goal of quitting, WE SALUTE YOU! Electronic cigarettes have done a great service. Any vaper that successfully reaches this stage has a lot to be thankful for… CONGRATULATIONS!

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