Vapor4Life offers an extensive range of e-cig products – from starter kits, to a wide range of batteries, tons of accessories and over 100 different flavors of e-liquid. It can be a bit overwhelming for novices, but if you’re looking for options, Vapor4Life has them. They offer four different e-juice lines in a variety of flavors, but we found most of them to be average at best.
Vapor4Life is a full-service electronic cigarette supplier with it’s own unique line of products and a brick-and-mortar retail location located in Northbrook, IL. Vapor4Life’s website is pretty extensive, and a bit confusing, with a huge selection of e-cigarettes, parts, accessories and over 100+ e-liquids – from tobacco, menthol, desert, fruit and beverage categories.
They offer four unique lines of e-juice:
Premium Nobacco (80/20 PG/VG)
Nobacco USA (65/35 PG/VG)
WOW Vapor (70/30 PG/VG)
WOW Vapor VG (100% VG)
Vapor4Life DOES NOT provide details about the manufacturing process or the ingredients used in their products, but we do know that the “Nobacco USA” line is produced in the U.S.A. We can only assume that their other e-juice lines are not, more than they’re likely Asian imports.
Review of Vapor4Life E-Juice
With over a hundred different choices, Vapor4Life appears to have all the bases covered in terms of flavor. You can choose from a full range of categories (tobacco, menthol, desert, fruit and beverage), but the problem is your choices are limited by PG/VG blend. For example, the American-made “Nobacco USA” line (65/35 PG/VG) is available in less than 10 flavors. Some flavors found in the WOW line (70/30 PG/VG) are not available in the Premium Nobacco (80/20 PG/VG). To top it off, navigating the Vapor4Life website is extremely difficult. You can select a flavor and then the available options are shown, but there’s no clear explanation about the differences between each line of e-liquid unless you do a bit of searching.
With all the confusion about their products and their website put aside, we tested ten Vapor4Life flavors during this review: Cafe Mocha, Caramel Apple, Cinnablaze, Green Tea, Peach, Pomegranate, Rum and Cola, RY4, Vanilla and WOWBoy. Rather than getting in to the details of each, let’s just say we had mixed feelings about our selections. A couple flavors were great – everyone seemed to love the Cinnablaze from the WOW Vapor line. We also thought the WOW Vapor Vanilla, Peach and Caramel Apple were OK, but there were some obvious losers in the bunch. In particular, the Green Tea was definitely a horrible choice. Everyone agreed… it had almost no flavor or throat hit – it was like vaping on water with a slight green tea aftertaste. Pomegranate was another big disappointment that lacked flavor and a few others from the Nobacco line were thoroughly unimpressive.
With that being said, we only tested ten out of a hundred flavors, so there’s sure to be some winners (and losers) in the Vapor4Life line that we didn’t try. Maybe Green Tea would taste horrible from any provider; this was definitely an experiment for us. We really enjoyed Cinnablaze, and we used up the Vanilla and Peach pretty quickly, but there are certainly better options out there.
Price-wise, Vapor4Life’s e-liquid is somewhat attractive, and if you purchase a sampler pack you’ll undoubtedly find a few flavors that you enjoy. But if you’re looking for a top-of-the-line, American-made product, then you might want to consider another e-juice supplier. All-in-all, we were thoroughly annoyed with Vapor4Life’s website and their e-juice selections are average at best. Even if you find a flavor that you like, you’re likely to find a better option elsewhere, and it might cost less.
Out of all the flavors we tested, Cinnablaze was definitely my favorite. I bought a bottle for myself after we tested, but otherwise, nothing really stuck out as exceptionally good. I enjoyed the WOWBoy, peach and caramel apple, and the Vanilla was OK. The Rum & Cola tasted like cough syrupy and the RY4 had a little too much caramel for my liking, but the Green Tea was the absolute worst! Had to empty out my clearomizer after just a few puffs. – Jeremy Salter
ABOUT OUR REVIEWS: Since flavor preferences vary and depend on various factors, we use multiple team members to complete our e-juice reviews. This Vapor4Life liquid review was conducted by: Jeremy Salter, Vanessa Salias and Christopher Arthur. Their feedback was gathered, combined and summarized on this page, but please keep in mind that this is the general opinion of our team and should be treated as such. Liquid performance varies depending on the device, and flavor preferences vary for each individual. We strongly suggest that you consider the feedback of others and experiment on your own.
I have to agree with you on the hit and miss aspect of V4L’s ejuice offerings. I sampled a wide assortment of their products a few years back.
First, more cartomizers than bottled juice (I was amazed at the logistical gymnastics it must take to stock the hundred+ flavors in multiple strengths each – these were kr808d cartos for the original Vapor King – a while back – of the 60-80 cartomizers spanning the gamut on offer I was fairly impressed, though consistency was not up to snuff, with duds and too much inconsistency in flavor and vapor delivery all around).
I had received a few bottles of the nobacco juice as well – and since have tried other v4l ejuice – I recall a blueberry that was off in some way that made it unpalatable, weak flavor but also something else i couldnt put by finger on didn’t agree….
I can’t remember exactly which flavors – wowboy i think was impressive in a nice ry4 type way – but generally my impression has been that e-liquid (in bottled form anyway) – hasn’t been Vapor4Life’s strong point. Whereas there is no doubt of the brand’s pioneering status in quality kr8 minis and their cartomizer selection, which I am sure have improved since the tech and industry have as a whole.
Finally – the main reason I responded – there most definitely are some awesome Green Tea e-liquid blends out there!
Think more like green tea ice cream or something – certainly with more flavor than you describe (being a DIY mixer fond of experimenting I’ve mixed up not only green tea – flavorart concentrates being my choice pick, though perfumers apprentice and capella are solid too – but black tea, chai tea and darjeeling as well! not everyone’s … errrr. cup of tea (yeah, good one, ha) but green tea is often a really nice eliquid ! ).
This is our Vapor4Life e-juice rating. How would you rate Vapor4Life e-liquid? What do you think about the company and their products? Please share!
I have to agree with you on the hit and miss aspect of V4L’s ejuice offerings. I sampled a wide assortment of their products a few years back.
First, more cartomizers than bottled juice (I was amazed at the logistical gymnastics it must take to stock the hundred+ flavors in multiple strengths each – these were kr808d cartos for the original Vapor King – a while back – of the 60-80 cartomizers spanning the gamut on offer I was fairly impressed, though consistency was not up to snuff, with duds and too much inconsistency in flavor and vapor delivery all around).
I had received a few bottles of the nobacco juice as well – and since have tried other v4l ejuice – I recall a blueberry that was off in some way that made it unpalatable, weak flavor but also something else i couldnt put by finger on didn’t agree….
I can’t remember exactly which flavors – wowboy i think was impressive in a nice ry4 type way – but generally my impression has been that e-liquid (in bottled form anyway) – hasn’t been Vapor4Life’s strong point. Whereas there is no doubt of the brand’s pioneering status in quality kr8 minis and their cartomizer selection, which I am sure have improved since the tech and industry have as a whole.
Finally – the main reason I responded – there most definitely are some awesome Green Tea e-liquid blends out there!
Think more like green tea ice cream or something – certainly with more flavor than you describe (being a DIY mixer fond of experimenting I’ve mixed up not only green tea – flavorart concentrates being my choice pick, though perfumers apprentice and capella are solid too – but black tea, chai tea and darjeeling as well! not everyone’s … errrr. cup of tea (yeah, good one, ha) but green tea is often a really nice eliquid ! ).